Annie Rowan Forney Daugette was the daughter of major General John H. Forney, C.S.A., and Septima Sexta Middleton (Rutledge) Forney. Her father was famous for his part in the defense of Vicksburg and was a descendant of Revolutionary War General Peter Forney; her mother, a descendant of Edward Rutledge and Arthur Middleton. Mrs. Daugette was raised in Jacksonville, Alabama and was a graduate of the State Normal School, now Jacksonville State University.
While attending Cooper Union Art School and National Academy of Design in New York City, Annie Forney was awarded the Elliot Medal in 1896. On December 22, 1897, she married Dr. Clarence William Daugette, who for forty-three years was the president of the State Normal School. She devoted her life during his lifetime to his career and her four children.
From 1937 to 1939, Annie served as president of the Alabama Division, of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. While president, she inaugurated a movement for the restoration of Alabama's original Great Seal and conducted a campaign which met with unanimous approval of the 1939 General Assembly. She drew the present Great Seal of Alabama. She was made honorary Life President of the Alabama Division, U.D.C. on May 10, 1952.
On a national level, Mrs. Daugette's determined efforts brought passage of a resolution, introduced by Senator Lister Hill of Alabama, by the United States Congress which designated the proper term for the conflict of the 1860's as "The War Between the States," and was entered as such in the Congressional Record.
It was maintained through her efforts that in 1939 the State of Iowa returned the long lost banner of the Independent State of Alabama where it had been since the Capitol in Montgomery was ransacked by union soldiers during the War Between the States. It is now in the State Archives with other flags that have flown over Alabama.
In 1970, Annie Rowan Forney Daugette was awarded the Honorary Doctor of Humanities by Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama.
Howard, Milford W. “Teachers College Proves ‘Tall Oaks from Little Acorns.’” Birmingham News, 24 November 1929.
Hopper, Jack. “Alabama Amblings.” Birmingham News, 18 June 1973.
“Mrs. Daugette Aiding Students.” Birmingham News, 25 July 1939.
“Mrs. Daugette Honored.” Jacksonville (Alabama) News, 7 June 1973.
“Mrs. Daugette Funeral Friday.” Anniston Star, 12 September 1974.
“An Orchid To…(Mrs. Daugette)” Birmingham News, 18 September 1936.
“U.D.C. Features Are Announced.” Montgomery Advertiser, 29 April 1939.
Other Inductees
Alabama Women's Hall of Fame